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The Base Meat & Vegetable Sauce turned to Chilli

Once you have this meat and vegetable base sauce in hand, you can try different variations. For instance, you can add some red kidney beans to the sauce, and perhaps a little more cumin and red pepper flakes, and turn in to delicious and wholesome chilli sauce. Served over plain rice with plain yoghurt by the side, it makes a complete meal, delicious, easy and ready within minutes.

Serves 4
Preparation and cooking time: 15-20 minutes

14fl oz/2 cups of the base meat and vegetable sauce
400gr/14oz canned red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
5ml/1 teaspoon ground cumin
5ml1 teaspoon (or more!) red pepper flakes
Salt and ground pepper to taste

To serve:
Plain rice and a bowl of plain yoghurt or green salad by the side.

If you are using some of your frozen meat and vegetable sauce, I suggest to defrost the sauce in the fridge a night before (or alternatively you can defrost in the microwave, following the guidelines). Put the sauce in a pan and gently reheat. Once it starts simmering, add the spices and the red kidney beans, mix well. Check the seasoning and add more salt or pepper if needed.

This sauce is wonderful served with plain rice and a dollop of plain yoghurt or green salad by the side.

Afiyet Olsun!

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