Cookery Classes

I teach Turkish cooking classes in England,Turkey & USA, hope you can join us!,
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Turkish cuisine provides healthy, hearty, delicious food for family and friends.
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A Slice of London and Cotswolds

We had a wonderful weekend of indulgence; we were at the Royal Opera House in London and saw the amazing La Traviata, it was truly mesmerising. I feel one of the joys of life is to be able to watch such wonderful performances like this live; ROH has many more productions coming up (Carmen and Marriage of Figaro are amongst). So if you plan on being in London this summer, make sure to check out the ROH’s schedule!

The next treat was seeing our dear old neighbours, Maria and Tom from Austin, in London. We had a lovely trip to the Cotswolds to show them the English countryside; the flowers in full blossom and sun in our face, it was truly magical to spend time together. So special to see friends near and far and it makes the world seem smaller!
Here are a couple of photos to share, I hope they inspire you to travel whenever you can!

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