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Tag Archives | semizotu salatasi

Purslane Salad with Garlic Yoghurt; Yogurtlu Semizotu Salatasi


Lambs lettuce salad with garlic yoghurt; Yogurtlu semizotu salatasi

Purslane salad with garlic yoghurt; Yogurtlu semizotu salatasi

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Serves 2

I love purslane’s slightly sour and salty taste. This lovely, refreshing salad is very easy and quick to make and makes a wonderful appetizer, meze or a side dish served with grilled meats, poultry and pasta. At home in the restaurants, this salad is served as part of a meze spread with warm pita bread, lovely feta cheese, hummus and olives. This combination also makes a wonderful and healthy lunch alternative.

Purslane is packed with goodness; rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin A and antioxidants. Watercress or lamb lettuce can replace purslane well too as an alternative. Yoghurt is a big part of Turkish diet, gut friendly and so good for you too.

60 gr / 2 oz fresh purslane leaves, washed and drained
8 oz / 1 cup plain yoghurt
1 garlic cloves crushed
1/2 teaspoon Kosher or Maldon sea salt
1 teaspoon dried mint
2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
Red pepper flakes to sprinkle

Crush the garlic with a little salt that will soften the garlic and release its oils. In a wide bowl, beat the yoghurt with the garlic. Season with black pepper and remaining of the salt.

Combine purslane into the bowl, add the dried mint and mix well. Transfer into a serving bowl and sprinkle a few red pepper flakes over. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over and serve immediately.

I am passionate about healthy, delicious Turkish cuisine; over 90 authentic Turkish recipes are included at my cookery book, Ozlem’s Turkish Table, Recipes from My Homeland, including this recipe. Signed copies now 25 % off for a limited time here and delivered worldwide including the US.

Afiyet Olsun,


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