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A Slice of England

England in full bloom

The unexpected (but very pleasant!) summery April temperature in England has left the trees in full bloom and us in summer clothes, just wonderful! Different shades of pink, white and red blossoms have been like firework displays on trees, feast to the eye and soul. A few photos here from Surrey, the Cotswolds and the magnificent 12th century Abbey in Malmesbury with daffodils still on the ground. Enjoy!:)

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Exotic Butterflies at the RHS Wisley Gardens, England

It is a joy to walk around the Wisley Gardens anytime of the year. At the moment, they are hosting amazing varieties of tropical plants and exotic butterflies at their stunning Glass House. Entering into the Glass House takes you a totally different world, a tranquil paradise where exotic butterflies take flight amongst wonderful tropical plants. It sure does brighten up any grey winter day! You can watch the butterflies until 27th February, for more information, please visit

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